As a new patient, you may have some FAQs about acupuncture and Healing EnerChi. Below, you can find the answers to common questions new patients ask before starting acupuncture treatments so you can make an informed decision about starting your healing journey with us.

Do you accept insurance?

I don’t take insurance, but I can take all other forms of payment – credit card, cash, check, and HSA (health savings accounts).

Do you offer virtual appointments?

I do offer over the phone/Zoom consultations and long distance healing treatments. This would be for people who cannot travel to my office, people living out of state, etc.

How long do the treatments last and how much does it cost?

First Treatment:
2 hours: $225

1st hour:
During the first hour of your Initial Consultation, whether in person or on Zoom for long distance healing treatments, we’ll go over your completed paperwork, talk about your current issues – why you came in, as well as your past medical history and background including past physical stressors (surgeries, injuries falls, accidents, etc.) past chemical stressors (meds taken in past – Doctor prescribed and over the counter, exposure to mold, chemicals, heavy metals, GMO food, pesticides, radiation, etc.) and past emotional stressors (death of loved one, job loss, emotional traumas, etc.)

2nd hour:
The treatment may include: Muscle testing, Acupuncture, no needle acupuncture with laser and possibly NAET, NET, NRT, Eden Energy Medicine protocols, etc.

Second Treatment:
1 and 1/2 hours: $165

First 45 minutes or so:
Read through and go over your Report of Findings

Last 45 minutes:
Treatment may include: Acupuncture, no needles acupuncture, NAET, NET, NRT, Eden energy medicine, etc.

Third and All Subsequent Treatments:
1 hour: $80

Treatment may include: Acupuncture, no needles acupuncture, NAET, NET, NRT, Eden energy medicine, etc.

How many treatments will I require before I see results?

It depends; the longer you have had a condition, illness, etc, the more time it may take to resolve it. You might have a few layers of issues to resolve before you see results. (Blocked energy flow on different layers) I find the energy blockages and help the body clear them. Then the body can start going back to healing mode and return to homeostasis. That’s how the body heals. Then the symptoms can resolve.

I usually recommend at least 6 treatments, 1/week. We reevaluate you after 6 treatments to see how much your condition has improved and if you’ve seen any results.

Why do I need to provide so much detail from my past?

The combination of physical, chemical and emotional stressors on the body over a life time leads to imbalances in the body, mind, and spirit over time. These long standing imbalances lead to symptoms and eventually disease. It is my job to find where these imbalances are in your body, and based on your specific needs, develop a treatment plan to correct them.

Are there side effects of acupuncture and holistic treatments?

After acupuncture treatments or other holistic therapies, 95% of my patients report feeling amazing and experience immense relief.

Some patients don’t have any reaction after the initial treatment because their body needs more time and treatments to shift their more chronic conditions.

Lastly, there are a small number of patients who experience “detox reactions” or what is known as Herxheimer Reactions. The stimulation and healing caused by treatments can trigger various responses in a patient’s body. They might last a few minutes up to a day. Common experiences include: headaches, fatigue, discomfort, etc..

Herxheimer Reactions are quite common and sometimes occur while detoxing and clearing infections (bacteria, fungus, mold, viruses, parasites) or heavy metals or chemicals. It’s also known as die-off. Die-off can sometimes cause unpleasant symptoms while undergoing treatments, but these are typically temporary and signal that you’re on the right path to healing.

It’s like your body is doing a “spring cleaning” by getting rid of accumulated toxins. After this initial discomfort, many people report feeling better and experiencing improved health. To support my patient’s healing journey, I use many different products to ease any Herxheimer symptoms.

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